Thursday, August 30, 2007

running buddies!

We finally linked up today with a group of runners that meet in our neighborhood every morning at 6 AM. Their "leader" (more of a self-assigned coach and great motivator) has a wonderfully cheery Irish accent, and has been incredibly friendly.

We ran a different route, which is always fun, and it's feeling nice to be a part of a little sub-community. Running makes me happy.

It lets me decompress before the sun's even up, which is probably one of the only things that keeps me sane these days :)

Sunday, August 26, 2007

lovely run

Saturday was a glorious day for running. Perfect weather; just slightly cool. Gorgeous pink and purple sunrise over the lake. 6 miles...the longest I've run at one time in a while, and honestly I wasn't even that tired afterward. I'm finally getting back into shape. My knee didn't hurt all that badly, either.

Today I was just a tiny bit sore, just enough to know I did something yesterday, but not bad at all.

I'm really looking forward to this week- the second training week for the White Rock half marathon. I think once you get serious about training for two weeks, it really starts to be habit and not something new that you make yourself do each morning. It just starts to be a natural part of your day, like brushing your teeth.

This is the best time of the year to run...not incredibly hot, not at all cold........incredibly enjoyable time to spend out of doors and just.....think.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Gearing up for the next race!

The past couple of weeks I've had the joy of running barefoot along beaches in Costa Rica. Talk about realizing why you love running!

It got so light so early there that I had no problem getting up and out the door by 5AM everyday, which, as an added bonus, guaranteed that the beaches were deserted except for me, the waves, and the sand. nice.

Now I'm back in West Texas, and it's all I can do to drag my butt out of bed by 5:45AM, and of course it's still pitch dark for another half hour or so, but worth it because of the sunrise and perfect temperature.

I'm starting to train for the White Rock half marathon in December, and so far have gotten 2 other running buddies, one of which is my sister! The more the merrier, so if anybody thinks they might want to run a half marathon, you should let me know and come run with us!

So far the schedule is shaping up like this: Mon, Tues, Thursday mornings at my favorite running park (speed work on Tuesdays) and long run days are Saturday Morning at a great area for long runs (email me for details on location) All other days are rest days or cross training days.

so excited to be training again!